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Comprehensive Nursing Clipboards Include:
Calculator with calendar and clock, including second hand function.
Cardiovascular assessment information including EKG intervals, heart sounds, hemodynamic norms and calculations, pulse scale, edema scale, murmur scale.
Integumentary assessment information including skin breakdown areas, skin integrity scale and descriptors for skin temperature, moisture, and color.
Elimination assessment information including urinalysis values and descriptors for urinary and bowel function, sounds, patterns and color.
Neurological assessment information including pain intensity scale, pupil scale, muscle testing scale, deep tendon reflex scale, glasgow coma scale, descriptors for pupil reaction, motor response, behavior and level of conciousness.
Respiration assessment information including common respiratory patterns, breath sound assessment, desriptors for breath quality, rate, sputum and cough.
IV infusion information including IV infusion rate calculation, hourly dosage IV flow chart, multiple hour IV dosage flow chart.
Injection information for needle length, gauge, maximum volume and insertion degree.
Normals for serum electrolytes, arterial blood gases, complete blood count, urinalysis.
Vital sign normals for children through seniors for temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure.
Assessment chart for respiratory and metabolic acidosis and alkalosis.
The Nursing Clipboard comes with an additional laminated sheet containing current medical abbreviations and other useful information.
•The Nursing Clipboard comes with an additional laminated sheet containing current medical abbreviations and other useful information.
Nursing Reference Clipboard prices:
1-24 . . . $22.95 per clipboard
25-49 . . . $19.95 per clipboard
50+ . . . . $17.95 per clipboard